Two factor theory of Intelligence

Ø  Proposed by Charles E. Spearman –(1923) (American Psychologist)
Ø  According to Spearman:-
Ø  Intelligence consist only two factor General factor (g) and Specific factor (s)
Ø  ‘g’ factor is general mental ability towards different tasks.
Ø  ‘s’ factor is specific capacity that helps the person to deal with specific problems
Ø  ‘g’ factor remains constant while ‘s’ factor varies with the intellectual activity. For example, One’s performance in physics= g+s1; Maths =g+s2; English =g+s3
Ø  Different activity requires different combination of ‘g’ and ‘s’.

Ø  ‘s’ factor influenced by education and training whereas ‘g’ is innate
‘g’ factor
Ø  Universal inborn ability
Ø  General mental energy
Ø  Amount of ‘g’ differs from individual to individual
Ø  It is used in every life activity
Ø  The greater the ‘g’ in individual, the greater the success.
‘s’ factor
Ø  It learned and acquired in environment
Ø  It varies from activity to activity in the same individual
Ø  Individuals differ in amount of ‘s’.
Ø  Mass of ‘s’ is unlimited.

Ø  We can improve ‘s’ factor.
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  1. Very eminent description. Good Job. Keep it up.

  2. Nice....well done ,u did awesome task.God bless u for keeping it free.
    Keep it up.

  3. So helpful and easy to understand. Thank You.

  4. Really very happy to say, your blog is very interesting to read.

  5. The answer was helpful and satisfactory 😊

  6. Charles spearmen is not a American psychologist he is English psychologist

  7. You should write the criticisms of this theory

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