Projective Technique.
Projective technique promoted to reveal
his unconscious behaviour through imaginative production.
Psychological technique to get answers
without asking a direct question
The use of vague, ambiguous,
unstructured stimulus objects or situations in which the subject “projects” his
or her personality, attitude, opinions and self-concept to give the situation
some structure
These techniques are based in the
psychological phenomenon of projection (attributing one’s own desires and
feelings to others)
Inkblot Test - 1921
Rorschach (1884- 1992)
Swish Psychiatrist
The test consists of 10 symmetrical Inkblot
These inkblots are completely
The shape of the blots does not have any
specific meaning.
Of the ten 5 are black and white
and the other 5 are multi colored.
These printed on 7x91/2
inch cards
It is shown the subject. The subject
interprets what he sees in the inkblot.
He express through his imagination about
the picture. His responses reveal many of his personality.
It requires some training for
interpretation of one’s personality.
of the test
The cards are presented one at time in a
specified order.
When the subject gets seated, the
examiner gives him the first card with necessary instruction and asks him to
say what he sees in it.
The subject is allowed as much time as
he wants for a given card and is permitted to give as many responses as he
He also allowed to turn the card around
an look at it from any angle he wants.
Record the responses, examiner note the
time taken for each response.
After all the cards have been presented,
to seek clarification or addition to the original responses follows.
Thematic Apperception
Test (TAT)
Introduced by Henry Murray (1943)
Later it was fully developed for
assessment of personality with the help of the psychologist C. D. Morgan.
has been among the most widely used, researched, and taught projective
psychological tests.
The subject is asked to tell as dramatic
a story as he can.
Sometimes it is used in a psychiatric or
psychological context to assess personality disorders, thought disorders.
30 picture cards
Which portray human beings in a verity
actual life situation.
10 cards for male, 10 for female,
remaining 10 for both sexes.
The subject is asked to interpret the
card by telling a story about each.
The subject has to describe what is
happening in the picture (present), what caused it to happen (Past) and what
would be the result (future).
In making up stories, the subject
unconsciously projects several characteristics of his personality.
Children’s Apperception
Test (CAT)
Developed by Dr. Leoplod Bellak
For 3 to 10 year children.
10 cards
Cards have pictures of animals in
various life situations.
All ten cards are used for children of
both sex.
The picture designed are to evoke
fantasies resulting in the child’s own experiences, reaction and feelings
The child’s personality is reflected in
whatever story emerges.
Sentence Completion
Test (SCT)
Test consist a list of incomplete
It is generally open-ended
The subject is asked to go through the
list and answer as quickly as possible without giving a second thought to his
After completing the sentences, the
examiner gets an idea about the personality traits of the child.
Ex: I
am interested …………….
My ambition is …………….
If I am given…………………
My parents are ………………..
The Rotter Incomplete sentence Blank
(Rotter-ISB) developed by Rotter in 1950.
Word Association Test
Number of ways of using Word Association
A list of words or phrases can be
presented in random order to respondents, who are requested to state or write
the word or phrase that pops in to their mind,
Respondents are asked what word or phrase
comes to mind immediately upon hearing certain brand names,
Respondents can be asked about slogans
that they suggest;
Respondents are asked to describe an
inanimate objector product by giving human characteristics or associating
descriptive adjectives with it.
Jung developed the Word Association Test
to diagnosis behavioral disorder.
Picture situation Index
Developed by : Morgan and Gaier in 1956
It investigates perception, feelings and
attributes of boys and their mothers with respect to punishment.
10 cards, each depicting home situation
involving boy and his mother in conflict.
Child is presented with each picture in
the series, he is invited to tell what is happening in the picture, What the
character in it might say or do, and how they would feel
It will enable children to discuss their
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