
·        The word ‘Adjustment’ mean ‘to fit’, ‘make suitable’, ‘adapt’ etc.
·        Adjustment is the process through which a person tries to strike balance between his requirements (need, desires, and urges) and varying life situations.
·        Webster: “adjustment is the establishment of a satisfactory relationship, as representing harmony, conformance, adaptation or the like”.
·        C. V. Good: “Adjustment is the process of finding and adopting modes of behaviour suitable to the environment or the changes in the environment”.
·        Shaffer: “Adjustment is the process by which a living organism maintains a balance between its needs and the circumstances that influence the satisfaction of these needs”.
·        Adjustment is a process that helps a person to lead a happy and contented life while maintaining a balance between his needs and his capacity to fulfill them.
Nature of Adjustment
·        It is a continues process
·        Two-way process
Not only the process of fitting oneself into available circumstances but also the process of changing the circumstances to fit one’s needs.
·        It is the process of need reduction
·        It is an achievement
·        It beings happiness, efficiency and some degree of social feelings
·        It involves psychological and physiological problems.

Area of adjustment
·        Health and physical environment
·        Finance, living conditions and employment
·        Social and recreational activities
·        Sex and marriage
·        Social psychological relation
·        Personal psychological relations
·        Moral and religious
·        Home and family
·        Future – vocational and educational
·        Adjustment to school and college work
·        Curriculum and teaching.

Measurement of Adjustment
·        Testing techniques
·        Projective techniques
·        Inventory techniques
·        Sociometric techniques
·        Scaling techniques
·        Bell’s adjustment inventory by- Hungh M. Bell
·        Asthana’s Adjustment inventory – H.S. Asthana.

Characteristics of a Well-adjusted Person
·        Awareness of his own strength and limitation
·        Respecting himself and others
·        An adequate level of aspiration
·        Satisfaction of basic needs
·        Absence of a critical or fault-finding attitude
·        Flexibility in behaviour
·        The capacity to deal with adverse circumstances.
·        A realistic perception of the world.
·        A feeling of case with his surroundings.

·        A balanced philosophy of life.
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